Thursday, October 28, 2010

Doing Better

Seth continues to defy the odds and is improving. We actually got to hold him for the first time in a long time on Tuesday. He's also off the ventilator and now on vapotherm. Yea!! He looks a lot better and has lot some of the swollen weight. So he's not at 8 lbs 15 oz.

He's eating, but still via a tube. And only about 5 cc's. Before he got sick he was at about 60 cc's which is about 2 oz. He seems to be out of the woods for now. They're not keeping him sedated all the time any more, and they are weening him off most of the meds--primarily the pain meds and the sedation medications. He's up a lot. They think it may have to do with narcotic withdrawls. Poor baby addict!! But he doesn't seem to be in pain, so that's good.

Not sure there's much else as far as an update goes. He continues to progress and we are grateful for every day we have with him--especially the good days as have been the case the past week or so. I'l post pictures soon.


  1. Alex and family,
    I'm thrilled to hear that things are improving day by day. When you have a child with needs you do learn to be grateful for each small step and for each inch forward no matter how painful it may be. We continue to pray for baby Seth and look forward to the day when we can meet him and hold him too! Maybe you could take another baseball picture soon. We haven't seen one of those in a while.

  2. Hip hip hooray!! So thrilled to hear he is doing well!
