Today Seth has been doing better. I'm glad. But I am so sick of coming to terms with being told, and then accepting, "Your son isn't going to make it," and then 24 hours and gallons of tears later everything seems to be fine. Or at least getting better than they were expecting. Sheesh.
However, in spite of him looking better, the lead doctor did walk into our little area, looked at the monitors and said, "Mmph...tough times," and walked out. And that was the only thing he said to us all day. That's not a good sign.
Tonight was interesting. Janice and I went in together and Seth looked so much better. He still had the two chest tubes in, but his coloring is better and his sats and blood gas are all at pretty good levels. The x-ray technician came in tonight to take an x-ray to see how the pneumo is doing. Well, he told the nurses to take out the sheepskin bedding because it shows up on the x-ray. This didn't make sense to me--moving him in a major way to get that out. And they hadn't really ever done that before. And especially because there's a tray in the bed that they can just pull out, put the plate in and take the x-ray without the baby even ever knowing.
So I asked the nurses and said that may not be a good idea and maybe we should ask the doctor. They said, no, it'll be fine. So like an idiot I trusted what they said. Well, after the x-ray was done I went back to his bedside and noticed that one of the chest tubes had just popped out from them moving him.
I've NEVER felt like physically attacking anyone before in my life. Today, I SERIOUSLY considered punching the x-ray guy. Really. I actually thought it was a good idea. In fact, I was trying to find his last name so I could find some way to exact revenge on that idiot, Thomas C. What ever his last name is, he'd better hope I never see him again!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I JUST called back--they had to order 2 extra rounds of x-rays to make sure the lack of that second chest tube didn't make his lung collapse. It did!! I am mad as hell right now!! It took the doctor more than THREE FREAKING HOURS to put that tube in last night. And now they are having to put it back in again. Uugh!! I just want to cuss someone out!!!! And then hit them. With my fist. And then maybe a car. Or a hammer. Or at least a stuffed animal--with plastic eyes. Suck!!
The only saving grace out of that was to see the doctor reprimand the x-ray technician in front of us and tell him to NEVER move a baby with chest tubes. What a freakin' moron!! But the nurses should've known that too.
Poor baby. I can't even count the number of surgeries he's had in the past two weeks. This is getting ridiculous. And now to have to go through another one because of stupid decisions made by those on staff tonight! Oh, good grief...
Ohhhhhhhh the pain!! That makes me soooo sad! I'm sorry for you and for Seth and for Janice. Aack! Keep us posted!
ReplyDeleteThere is really nothing in the world like what you are dealing with.
ReplyDeleteI would have been so pissed too! In fact, when Jordyn came out of the NICU, I remember thinking that the main thing I had learned out of the entire ordeal was to TRUST MY OWN INSTINCTS! Even amidst all of the trained professionals. I learned that over and over and over again during that and it still impacts me 8 years later.