Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Four Good Days

So it's been four good days so far. I hate to get overwhelmingly positive though because as the doctor today told me, "The only thing that happens fast is getting worse."

I went in yesterday and last night. He seemed to be doing well. They are still keeping him very sedated, and the pneumo (air that causes his lung to collapse) tends to accumulate quickly if he moves around.

And so we continue to wait. I'll head in again tonight and will try to post an update a photo or two after that.


  1. That's doctors for you. They tell you the worst case scenario because it's their job, but I think they like to be proven wrong. I pray that Seth will prove them all wrong!
    Christine K.

  2. Good morning Alex and Janice and cute boys! I just discovered that I can post comments! I must be a constant source of amusement for all you higher-tech people than me! I am so glad Seth is doing better. He continues in our prayers and also praying for your family. When you are going through stuff like this, it seems like it will never get resolved. But it does. And Heavenly Father is acutely aware of your struggles and frustration. Love you guys. Mom

  3. Glad to read good news. Tell Seth to keep up the good work!

  4. Alex,
    I am so sorry to hear about your son's health issues! I will keep him & the rest of your family in my prayers.
    Chris Bostwick
