Today I had my day clear of Watch Me Draw! stuff and video stuff. Spencer and I were going to go play and head to Universal
Studios for the day, since it was supposed to be a nice hot day in the valley.
This morning around 4am, Janice got a call from the hospital that he was having some spells and they may have to insert a chest tube. I'm not sure exactly what order things happened in, but the end result was at 4:50 am or so we got another call that said, get to the hospital it's not good. I jumped out of bed, grabbed the boys and put them in the car in their PJs and raced off to the hospital. Poor Spencer didn't even have shoes!!
We called the Bishop on our way there as well as Jackie. Jackie met us at the hospital and took the boys with her for the day. We went in and honestly, I'm so freakin' drained right now, I don't even recall what happened. I know there's a new chest tube in now (the photo), and one that's come out and gone back in and been readjusted "six ways from Sunday"...almost literally.
The Bishop met us there and we were able to give Seth a name and a blessing around 6:30 this morning.
We spoke with the doctors, and they essentially said we're back where we were when he first got really sick. Except in a way worse because this is round two. Also, his Ph Levels were really low--toxicly low--like 6.4 or something like that (for all you nurses). They're afraid this has caused some brain damage, but there's no way to tell for sure. They said they've done everything they can and there isn't anything else that can be done. They said we have three choices:
1. Continue to have them do everything possible regardless of the quality of life outcome--meaning if he has massive brain damage from his gas levels being so off--they'll still do everything to keep him alive anyway.
2. Do not resuscitate. Should his heart give out, that's his body saying that it's time to go.
3. Pull the life support.
I feel like all three of these choices have positives and negatives that are all ethically and psychologically charged with extremely emotional consequences.
But Janice and I talked about it, prayed about it, discussed what the entire medical team felt was best at this point for Seth. He's in good hands. He's still alive and fighting and so now we wait to see what Seth decides to do. Literally it's a take it hour by hour right now.
So we came back to shower, Janice is heading back to the hospital in a bit and I'm going to try and give the boys a little normalcy for the evening, do homework and get them to bed.
And thus we hop back on that stupid, freakin'
Thanks for keeping us must be hard to take the time to update this blog...but we really appreciate feeling like we can be some small support and cheer squad on the sidelines! We love you!